Customer notification

Customer notification

Published: Last Updated: Estimated Reading time: 1 mins
Customer notification of pool and outdoor light strips
inspection after receiving the goods which pool light strips
how to take out the pool light strip
two people install pool lights
prohibition of take out pool light strips
prohibition of pool light strips installation
prohibition of roll out the whole pool light strips
how to bend the pool light strips
pool light strip bending angle >= 60°
warn of bending pool light strip
warn of bending pool light strips
how to install pool light strips at 90° corner
prohibition of pool light strip fitting the corner
prohibition of installing pool light strip at a bend angle < 60°
how to select the mounting buckles for pool light strips
mounting buckle fixting method
mounting buckle spacing setting
top mounting buckle of pool light strips
pool light strip layout and assembly
pool light strips installation on pool wall
assistance with installation of pool light strips
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